Meet the new Executive Director of AIT

We are excited to introduce our new Executive Director at AIT!

Dr. Estes has over 20 years of education experience. She began her teaching career in Cobb County, Georgia. She taught Special Education to middle and high school students. After several years, Dr. Estes moved to Massachusetts and piloted a program for students with severe behavioral disorders to receive Carnegie Units at the district’s high school to obtain a High School Diploma.

She then moved to a leadership position as the Special Education Unit Leader for Pittsfield City Schools. Eventually, Dr. Estes moved to South Carolina and has worked in various capacities at the middle, high and district levels. She continued her career as a Special Education Teacher and then moved to administration. She was an Athletic Director and Assistant Principal at Woodmont Middle School before her tenure as principal of Greenville Early College.

After 12 years in Greenville County, she moved to Anderson School District 1 as their Director of Planning and Development. Her position in Anderson 1 encompassed many responsibilities such as supervising federal programs, strategic planning, budgeting, Career and Technology Education, Covid-19, Mental Health, Nurses, School Counselors, Instruction and Safety. She was also an adjunct professor for Clemson University.  She was instrumental in facilitating a county wide safety team with all 5 Anderson Districts and Emergency Management.  

Dr. Estes has a B.A. in Psychology from Georgian Court University, M.A. in Education from Georgia State University, and Ed.S. and Ed.D in Educational Leadership from South Carolina State University