Student Showcase: Norris Mechanical Advertisement - Inesa Thompson Student Showcase: Norris Mechanical Advertisement - Inesa Thompson Show Transcript welcome to North mechanical welder training and certification right here in Anderson South Carolina what resources help you attend nors Mechanicals I'm a veteran so I had the ability to use the GI bill in North mechanical accepted the job bill so I was able to get all my courses done without it costing a dime to me how does Norris Mechanicals flexible schedule benefits you as a student um it benefits me cuz when you work in the morning you always have the time after so having the flexible schedule it allows you to work and then come here and get your education what type of certification does Norris Mechanicals provide provided me with my AWS certifications in kg and stick on carbon steel plate and my AWS certifications on uh TIG on pipe we provide Hands-On 1-on-1 instruction we're the only welding school in Anderson that allows our students to set their schedules this in return provides them the opportunity to concentrate fully on welding