Honors Framework » Honors Framework

Honors Framework


Students enrolling in the Anderson Institute of Technology will be challenged with high expectations in all programs. The curriculum and instructional framework will be structured to prepare students to become college and career ready as measured by students earning program and course certifications and successfully completing dual enrollment credit for courses relating to their program of study.

All students will be required to complete a Capstone Project that may be an individual or a team project. Students enrolled in STEM completer pathways that focus on high level science and math will be required to conduct research using the AIT research framework. Students will be required to complete a sequence of four courses that are identified in their completer pathway.

The instructional method is one that requires students to own their learning, their behavior, their results and their career. Students are expected to be fully engaged and participate in a team environment and work cooperatively with student partners and adults.

Course 1: Student Research Requirements

  1. Students will be required to explore and identify problems or questions around a problem of interest related to their program of study.
  2. Read a nonfiction book and present problem and how to assess.
  3. Introduction of current issues around problem to be studied.
  4. Review online journal articles on the topic and complete 4 per course and write a summary and present one in class.
  5. Attend two lecture series presented by physicians, engineers, and/or lecturers from the community and write reflections.
  6. Take college credit exam in honors identified courses.

Course 2: Student Research Requirements       

  1. Identify three problems and develop three different ideas and project samples, possible solutions, and identify resources. Students will present and defend ideas. This experience will enable students to narrow down the project ideas to the final two. Students’ proposals will be reviewed by peers and Facilitator evaluation.
  2. Based on peer and Facilitator feedback, students will prepare two 500-750 word written proposals with at least six cited sources for each using APA style. These summaries are submitted electronically to peer team and Facilitator. Students will receive written peer and Facilitator feedback via Edmodo to assist student in selecting problem to study.
  3. Based on feedback, students will select one problem or question to study and prepare a detailed final written proposal to present to a larger community for public review of proposed problem study. This should include anticipated equipment, facilities, and procedural techniques, type of data, anticipated statistics, journal citations and possible mentors. Students will use the AIT research template to frame the research proposal and procedures for conducting the study. Teacher will provide sample research studies conducted by other students.
  4. Attend as an observer the Junior Science competitions in January and Region One Science Fair at Southern Wesleyan University in March.
  5. Take college credit exam and any available certifications related to the course.

Course 3: Student Research Requirements

  1. Development of procedures for conducting study and identify how the study will be conducted, process for research, conducting the study, how the problem will be assessed, and how the data will be collected and analyzed.
  2. Students will continue to conduct research, solidify problem statement, turn in more research citations, and turn in modified   proposal.
  3. Develop model to conduct the research and begin proof of concept.
  4. Take college credit exam and any related certification exams related to the course.

Course 4: Student Research Requirements

  1. Students will continue to refine research project proposal, continue further testing, collecting data, analyzing data and presenting in writing research evidence that supports the findings in final research paper.
  2. Students will participate in communicating and presenting in public in front of at least 4 Professionally Judged Competitions.
  3. Competitions will include a final public presentation in May to family, community and professionals to receive final exam grade.
  4. Students will provide an electronic final copy of their project to be published in the Anderson Institute of Technology Research Journal as a public record of their research and findings.