Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Career Cluster » Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Career Cluster

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Career Cluster


Aerospace Engineering Technology

Required Courses (4 units required)

  • Fundamentals of Aerospace Technology (1 unit)
  • Advanced Aerospace Technology (1 unit)
  • Aeronautics Engineering Applications (1 unit)
  • Astronautics Engineering Applications (1 unit)

Computer Science PLTW

Required Courses (4 units required)

  • PLTW Computer Science Essentials (1 unit)
  • PLTW Cybersecurity (1 unit)
  • PLTW Computer Science Principles (1 unit)
  • PLTW Computer Science A (1 unit) Optional:
  • Computer Science Principles AP (1 unit)

Pre-Engineering PLTW

Required Courses (4 units required)

  • PLTW Introduction to Engineering Design (1 unit)
  • PLTW Principles of Engineering (1 unit)

Plus at least two of the following:

  • PLTW Civil Engineering and Architecture (1 unit)
  • PLTW Computer Integrated Manufacturing (1 unit)
  • PLTW Digital Electronics (1 unit)
  • PLTW Engineering Design and Development (1 unit)



• Algebra 1 and English 1 with grade C or higher in each
• Recommended for grades 9-11
Course Code – 638600CW   Maximum Class Size - 24
Fundamentals of Aerospace Technology engages students who are curious about aviation and aerospace careers. This course will introduce students to an engineering design process, tools to collect and analyze data, the science of aviation, materials and structures, and safety. Students will participate in real-world experiences such as designing, building, and testing a pilot seat, kite, straw rocket and launcher, motor-powered rocket, and a model glider. There is a fee for this course.  


• Algebra 1 and English 1 with grade C or higher in each
• Recommended for grades 9-11
Course Code – 638600HW   Maximum Class Size - 24
Fundamentals of Aerospace Technology Honors engages students who are curious about aviation and aerospace careers. This course will introduce students to an engineering design process, tools to collect and analyze data, the science of aviation, materials and structures, and safety. Students will participate in real-world experiences such as designing, building, and testing a pilot seat, kite, straw rocket and launcher, motor-powered rocket, and a model glider. Students may contract for honors credit. Honors contracts incorporate student-initiated research, student collaboration and engagement, project-based learning, problem-solving and critical thinking, seminar methods to include the incorporation of writing connections to workclass skills, characteristics and context, creativity, and innovation.  There is a fee for this course.


• Fundamentals of Aerospace Technology
• Recommended for grades 9-11
Course Code – 638700CW    Maximum Class Size - 24
Advanced Aerospace Technology builds on the fundamentals of aerospace technology and engages students in applying the design process, using tools to collect and analyze data, exploring a deeper level of the science of aviation and discovering how quality control systems work in the aviation field. Students will work collaboratively in teams to design, build, and test a wing; plot a course for a plane to take off and land; design, build and test a wing attachment system; test materials under stress; and design, build and test an electric-powered plane. Students will demonstrate their newly acquired knowledge and skills by presenting their innovative ideas, techniques and solutions to business and industry partners.  There is a fee for this course.  


• Fundamentals of Aerospace Technology Honors
• Recommended for grades 9-11
Course Code – 638700HW    Maximum Class Size – 24
Advanced Aerospace Technology Honors builds on the fundamentals of aerospace technology and engages students in applying the design process, using tools to collect and analyze data, exploring a deeper level of the science of aviation and discovering how quality control systems work in the aviation field. Students will work collaboratively in teams to design, build and test a wing; plot a course for a plane to take off and land; design, build and test a wing attachment system; test materials under stress; and design, build and test an electric-powered plane. Students will demonstrate their newly  acquired knowledge and skills by presenting their innovative ideas, techniques and solutions to business and industry partners. This course is designed to accelerate, extend, and deepen the learning opportunities for students exhibiting superior ability. The curriculum places emphasis on critical and analytical thinking, rational decision making, and inductive and deductive reasoning.  Students may contract for honors credit. Honors contracts incorporate student initiated research, student collaboration and engagement, project-based learning, problem-solving and critical thinking, seminar methods to include the incorporation of writing connections to workclass skills, characteristics and context, creativity, and innovation. Students may contract for honors credit. Honors contracts incorporate student-initiated research, student collaboration and engagement, project-based learning, problem-solving and critical thinking, seminar methods to include the incorporation of writing connections to workclass skills, characteristics and context, creativity, and innovation. There is a fee for this course. 


• Advanced Aerospace Technology
• Recommended for grades 10-12
Course Code – 638800CW    Maximum Class Size - 24
Aeronautics Engineering Applications is for students who have successfully completed Fundamentals of Aerospace and Advanced Aerospace.  Students will learn about systems such as flight control, remote-control vehicles, and the virtual world. Students will learn to fly using flight simulators. They will work collaboratively to propose a shift from a VOR navigation system to a GPS system and determine the cost savings. In addition, students will develop rotor blades for helicopters and design and program an unmanned flying vehicle. There is a fee for this course.  


• Advanced Aerospace Technology Honors
• Recommended for grades 10-12
Course Code – 638800HW    Maximum Class Size – 24
Aeronautics Engineering Applications Honors is for students who have successfully completed Fundamentals of Aerospace and Advanced Aerospace.  Students will learn about systems such as flight control, remote-control vehicles, and the virtual world. Students will learn to fly using flight simulators. They will work collaboratively to propose a shift from a VOR navigation system to a GPS system and determine the cost savings. In addition, students will develop rotor blades for helicopters and design and program an unmanned flying vehicle. This course is designed to accelerate, extend, and deepen the learning opportunities for students exhibiting superior ability. The curriculum places emphasis on critical and analytical thinking, rational decision making, and inductive and deductive reasoning. Students may contract for honors credit. Honors contracts incorporate student-initiated research, student collaboration and engagement, project-based learning, problem-solving and critical thinking, seminar methods to include the incorporation of writing connections to workclass skills, characteristics and context, creativity, and innovation. There is a fee for this course.


• Aeronautics Engineering Applications  
• Recommended for grades 10-12
Course Code – 638900CW    Maximum Class Size - 24
Astronautics Engineering Applications will focus on outer space and underwater applications. During the six projects, they will work collaboratively to design, build, and test a laser communication system; develop a plan for space survivability in hostile environments; and utilize software to create a three-dimensional model of a satellite orbit and a team remote vehicle for underwater exploration. Depending on articulation agreements or state policy, students who successfully complete the course may be able to earn dual credit. There is a fee for this course.  


• Aeronautics Engineering Applications Honors
• Recommended for grades 10-12
Course Code – 638900HW    Maximum Class Size - 24
Astronautics Engineering Applications Honors will focus on outer space and underwater applications. During the six projects, they will work collaboratively to design, build, and test a laser communication system; develop a plan for space survivability in hostile environments; and utilize software to create a three-dimensional model of a satellite orbit and a team remote vehicle for underwater exploration. Depending on articulation agreements or state policy, students who successfully complete the course may be able to earn dual credit. This course is designed to accelerate, extend, and deepen the learning opportunities for students exhibiting superior ability. The curriculum places emphasis on critical and analytical thinking, rational decision making, and inductive and deductive reasoning.  Students may contract for honors credit. Honors contracts incorporate student-initiated research, student collaboration and engagement, project-based learning, problem-solving and critical thinking, seminar methods to include the incorporation of writing connections to workclass skills, characteristics and context, creativity, and innovation. There is a fee for this course.


  • English 1 and Algebra 1 with grade C or higher in each
  • Recommended for grades 10-11
Course Code – 637200CW    Maximum Class Size – 24
Computer Science Essentials exposes students to a diverse set of computational thinking concepts, fundamentals, and tools, allowing them to gain understanding and build confidence. Students use visual, block-based programming and seamlessly transition to text-based programming with languages such as Python® to create apps and develop websites and learn how to make computers work together to put their design into practice. They apply computational thinking practices, build their vocabulary, and collaborate just as computing professionals do to create products that address topics and problems important to them. This course meets the computer science requirement for graduation. There is a fee for this course.  


• English 1 and Algebra 1 with grade C or higher in each  
• Recommended for grades 10-11
Course Code – 637200HW    Maximum Class Size - 24
Computer Science Essentials Honors exposes students to a diverse set of computational thinking concepts, fundamentals, and tools, allowing them to gain understanding and build confidence. Students use visual, block-based programming and seamlessly transition to text-based programming with languages such as Python® to create apps and develop websites and learn how to make computers work together to put their design into practice.  They apply computational thinking practices, build their vocabulary, and collaborate just as computing professionals do to create products that address topics and problems important to them. This course meets the computer science requirement for graduation.  There is a fee for this course. 


• Computer Science Essentials
• Recommended for grades 10-11
Course Code – 637800CW    Maximum Class Size - 24
Cybersecurity provides students with a broad exposure to the many aspects of digital and information security, while encouraging socially responsible choices and ethical behavior.  It inspires algorithmic and computational thinking, especially “outside-the-box” thinking.  Students explore the many educational and career paths available to cybersecurity experts, as well as other careers that comprise the field of information security.  This course meets the computer science requirement for graduation.  There is a fee for this course.  


• Computer Science Essentials Honors
• Recommended for grades 10-11
Course Code - 637800HW    Maximum Class Size - 24
Cybersecurity Honors provides students with a broad exposure to the many aspects of digital and information security, while encouraging socially responsible choices and ethical behavior.  It inspires algorithmic and computational thinking, especially “outside -the-box” thinking.  Students explore the many educational and career paths available to cybersecurity experts, as well as other careers that comprise the field of information security. Students may contract for honors credit. Honors contracts incorporate student-initiated research, student collaboration and engagement, project-based learning, problem-solving and critical thinking, seminar methods to include the incorporation of writing connections to work-class skills, characteristics and context, creativity, and innovation.  This course meets the computer science requirement for graduation. There is a fee for this course.


• Cybersecurity with grade C or higher
• Recommended for grades 11-12
Course Code - 637700CW    Maximum Class Size - 24
Computer Science Principles introduces students to the foundation concepts of computer science and challenges them to explore how computing and technology can impact the world.  With a unique focus on creative problem solving and real-world applications, Computer Science Principles prepares students for college and career. This course meets the computer science requirement for graduation.   There is a fee for this course.


• Cybersecurity Honors with grade C or higher
• Recommended for grades 11-12
Course Code - 637700HW    Maximum Class Size - 24
Computer Science Principles Honors introduces students to the foundation concepts of computer science and challenges them to explore how computing and technology can impact the world.  With a unique focus on creative problem solving and real-world applications, Computer Science Principles prepares students for college and career.  Students may contract for honors credit. Honors contracts incorporate student-initiated research, student collaboration and engagement, project-based learning, problem-solving and critical thinking, seminar methods to include the incorporation of writing connections to workclass skills, characteristics and context, creativity, and innovation. This course meets the computer science requirement for graduation. There is a fee for this course.  


• Computer Science Principles
• Recommended for grades 11-12
Course Code - 637300CW    Maximum Class Size - 24
Computer Science Applications focuses on integrating technologies across multiple platforms and networks, including the Internet. Students collaborate to produce programs that integrate mobile devices and leverage those devices for distributed collection and data processing. Students analyze, adapt, and improve each other’s programs while working primarily in Java and other industry- standard tools. This course prepares students for the AP Computer Science-A course. This course meets the computer science requirement for graduation.  There is a fee for this course.


• Cybersecurity Honors
• Recommended for grades 11-12
Course Code - 637300HW    Maximum Class Size - 24
Computer Science Applications Honors focuses on integrating technologies across multiple platforms and networks, including the Internet. Students collaborate to produce programs that integrate mobile devices and leverage those devices for distributed collection and data processing. Students analyze, adapt, and improve each other’s programs while working primarily in Java and other industry- standard tools. This course prepares students for the AP Computer Science-A course. Students may contract for honors credit. Honors contracts incorporate student-initiated research, student collaboration and engagement, project-based learning, problem-solving and critical thinking, seminar methods to include the incorporation of writing connections to work-class skills, characteristics and context, creativity, and innovation.  This course meets the computer science requirement for graduation. There is a fee for this course. 


• Computer Science Principles and Computer Science Applications with grade B or higher in each
• Recommended for grades 11-12
Course Code 477500AW    Maximum Class Size - 24
Computer Science Principles AP helps students to develop computational thinking, generate excitement about career paths that utilize computing, and introduce professional tools that foster creativity and collaboration.  Computer Science Principles helps students develop programming expertise and explore the workings of the Internet. Projects and problems include app development, visualization of data, cybersecurity, and simulation. This course is designed to accelerate, extend, and deepen the learning opportunities for students exhibiting superior ability. The curriculum places emphasis on critical and analytical thinking, rational decision making, and inductive and deductive reasoning.  Students will sit for the AP Computer Science exam. This course meets the computer science requirement for graduation.  There is a fee for this course.


• Grade 8 math with grade A or Algebra 1 with grade B or higher  AND • Grade 8 English with grade A or English 1 with grade B or higher
• Recommended for grades 9-11
Course Code – 605118CW    Maximum Class Size - 24
Introduction to Engineering Design is a core course in the academy of engineering and an introductory course which develops student problem solving skills, with emphasis placed on the design process and the development of three-dimensional solid models.  Students will learn a problem-solving design process and how it is used in industry to manufacture a product.  They will work from sketching simple geometric shapes to applying a solid modeling computer software package.  The Computer-Aided-Design System (CAD) will also be used to analyze and evaluate the product design.  The techniques learned and equipment used is state of the art and are currently being used by engineers throughout the United States.  There is a fee for this course.  


• Grade 8 math with grade A or Algebra 1 with grade B or higher  AND
• Grade 8 English with grade A or English 1 with grade B or higher
• Recommended for grades 9-11
Course Code – 605118HW    Maximum Class Size – 24
Introduction to Engineering Design Honors is a core course in the academy of engineering and an introductory course which develops student problem solving skills, with emphasis placed on the design process and the development of three-dimensional solid models.  Students will learn a problem-solving design process and how it is used in industry to manufacture a product.  They will work from sketching simple geometric shapes to applying a solid modeling computer software package.  The Computer-Aided-Design System (CAD) will also be used to analyze and evaluate the product design.  The techniques learned and equipment used is state of the art and are currently being used by engineers throughout the United States. Students may contract for honors credit. Honors contracts incorporate student-initiated research, student collaboration and engagement, project-based learning, problem-solving and critical thinking, seminar methods to include the incorporation of writing connections to workclass skills, characteristics and context, creativity, and innovation. There is a fee for this course.


• Introduction to Engineering Design
• Recommended for grades 9-11
Course Code – 605017CW    Maximum Class Size - 24
Principles of Engineering is a core course in the academy of engineering and a broad-based survey course designed to help students understand the field of engineering and engineering technology and its career possibilities.  Students will develop engineering problem solving skills that are involved in post-secondary education programs and engineering careers.  They will explore various engineering systems and manufacturing processes.  They will also learn how engineers address concerns about the social and political consequences of technological change. This course meets the computer science requirement for graduation. There is a fee for this course.  


• Introduction to Engineering Design Honors
• Recommended for grades 9-11  
Course Code - 605017HW    Maximum Class Size – 24
Principles of Engineering Honors is a core course in the academy of engineering and a broad-based survey course designed to help students understand the field of engineering and engineering technology and its career possibilities.  Students will develop engineering problem solving skills that are involved in post-secondary education programs and engineering careers.  They will explore various engineering systems and manufacturing processes.  They will also learn how engineers address concerns about the social and political consequences of technological change. Students may contract for honors credit. Honors contracts incorporate student-initiated research, student collaboration and engagement, project-based learning, problem-solving and critical thinking, seminar methods to include the incorporation of writing connections to work-class skills, characteristics and context, creativity, and innovation. This course meets the computer science requirement for graduation. There is a fee for this course.


• Principles of Engineering
• Recommended for grades 10-11
Course Code – 605817CW    Maximum Class Size - 24
Civil Engineering and Architecture provides an overview of the fields of Civil Engineering and Architecture while emphasizing the interrelationship and dependence of both fields on each other.  Students use state of the art software to solve real world problems and communicate solutions to hands-on projects and activities.  This course covers such topics as the roles of civil engineers and architects, project planning, site planning, building design, and project documentation and presentation.  There is a fee for this course.  


• Principles of Engineering Honors
• Recommended for grades 10-11
Course Code – 605817HW    Maximum Class Size - 24
Civil Engineering and Architecture Honors provides an overview of the fields of Civil Engineering and Architecture while emphasizing the interrelationship and dependence of both fields on each other.  Students use state of the art software to solve real world problems and communicate solutions to hands-on projects and activities.  This course covers such topics as the roles of civil engineers and architects, project planning, site planning, building design, and project documentation and presentation.  Students may contract for honors credit. Honors contracts incorporate student-initiated research, student collaboration and engagement, project-based learning, problem-solving and critical thinking, seminar methods to include the incorporation of writing connections to work-class skills, characteristics and context, creativity, and innovation. There is a fee for this course. 


• Principles of Engineering  
• Recommended for grades 10-11
Course Code – 605317CW   Maximum Class Size - 24
Computer Integrated Manufacturing is a course that applies principles of rapid prototyping, robotics, and automation.  This course builds upon the computer solid modeling skills developed in Introduction to Engineering Design.  Students will use computer-controlled rapid prototyping and CNC equipment to solve problems by constructing actual models of their three-dimensional designs.  Students will also be introduced to the fundamentals of robotics and how this equipment is used in an automated manufacturing environment.  Students will evaluate their design solutions using various techniques of analysis and make appropriate modifications before producing their prototypes. There is a fee for this course.  


• Principles of Engineering Honors
• Recommended for grades 10-11
Course Code – 605317HW    Maximum Class Size - 24
Computer Integrated Manufacturing Honors is a course that applies principles of rapid prototyping, robotics, and automation.  This course builds upon the computer solid modeling skills developed in Introduction to Engineering Design.  Students will use computer controlled rapid prototyping and CNC equipment to solve problems by constructing actual models of their three-dimensional designs.  Students will also be introduced to the fundamentals of robotics and how this equipment is used in an automated manufacturing environment.  Students will evaluate their design solutions using various techniques of analysis and make appropriate modifications before producing their prototypes. Students may contract for honors credit. Honors contracts incorporate student-initiated research, student collaboration and engagement, project-based learning, problem-solving and critical thinking, seminar methods to include the incorporation of writing connections to work-class skills, characteristics and context, creativity, and innovation. There is a fee for this course.


• Principles of Engineering
• Recommended for grades 10-11  
Course Code – 605217CW    Maximum Class Size - 24
Digital Electronics is a course of study in applied digital logic.  Students will be introduced to digital circuits found in video games, watches, calculators, digital cameras, and thousands of other devices. Students will study the application of digital logic and how digital devices are used to control automated equipment.  The use of digital circuitry is present in virtually all aspects of our lives, and its use is increasing rapidly.  This course is similar to a first semester college course and is an important course of study for a student exploring a career in engineering or engineering technology.  There is a fee for this course.  


• Principles of Engineering Honors
• Recommended for grades 10-11
Course Code – 605217HW    Maximum Class Size – 24
Digital Electronics Honors is a course of study in applied digital logic. Students will be introduced to digital circuits found in video games, watches, calculators, digital cameras, and thousands of other devices. Students will study the application of digital logic and how digital devices are used to control automated equipment.  The use of digital circuitry is present in virtually all aspects of our lives, and its use is increasing rapidly.  This course is similar to a first semester college course and is an important course of study for a student exploring a career in engineering or engineering technology. Students may contract for honors credit. Honors contracts incorporate student-initiated research, student collaboration and engagement, project-based learning, problem-solving and critical thinking, seminar methods to include the incorporation of writing connections to workclass skills, characteristics and context, creativity, and innovation.  There is a fee for this course. 


• Civil Engineering and Architecture OR
• Computer Integrated Manufacturing OR  
• Digital Electronics
• Recommended for grades 10-12
Course Code – 605418CW    Maximum Class Size - 24
Engineering Design and Development will allow students to work in teams to design and construct the solution to an engineering problem (it can be original, taken from a database of problems, or a national challenge), applying the principles developed in the preceding courses.  Students will maintain a journal as part of a portfolio of their work.  Each team will be responsible for delivering progress reports and making final presentations of their project to an outside review panel.  The completed portfolio will be invaluable as students apply to college.  There is a fee for this course.


• Civil Engineering and Architecture Honors OR
• Computer Integrated Manufacturing Honors OR  
• Digital Electronics Honors
• Recommended for grades 11-12
Course Code – 605418HW    Maximum Class Size – 24
Engineering Design and Development Honors will allow students to work in teams to design and construct the solution to an engineering problem (it can be original, taken from a database of problems, or a national challenge), applying the principles developed in the preceding courses.  Students will maintain a journal as part of a portfolio of their work.  Each team will be responsible for delivering progress reports and making final presentations of their project to an outside review panel.  The completed portfolio will be invaluable as students apply to college.  Students may contract for honors credit. Honors contracts incorporate student-initiated research, student collaboration and engagement, project-based learning, problem-solving and critical thinking, seminar methods to include the incorporation of writing connections to work-class skills, characteristics and context, creativity, and innovation. There is a fee for this course. 

Pre-Engineering/Engineering and Industrial Technology Internship, Work-Based Credit  1 unit

• Engineering Design and Development  
Course Code 609000CW
Pre-Engineering/Engineering and Industrial Technology Education Internship is a structured work-based credit bearing course that is taken as a fifth unit in a CATE completer program.    

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Internship, Work-Based Credit    1 unit

• Astronautics Engineering Applications OR Computer Science A
Course Code: 689000CW
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Internship is a structured work-based credit bearing course that is taken as a fifth unit in a CATE completer program. 

Anderson School District Five Nondiscrimination Statement

Anderson School District Five is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination and equal opportunity for all students, staff, parents/legal guardians, visitors, and community members, who participate or seek to participate in its programs or activities. Accordingly, the District does not discriminate against any individual on the basis of race, religion, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, or any related medical conditions), color, disability, age, genetic information, national origin, or any other applicable status protected by local, state, or federal law. 

The District will use the grievance procedures set forth in policy to process complaints based on alleged violations of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975; the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967; the Equal Pay Act of 1963; the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008; and Titles I and II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

Link to district page with contacts

Honors Framework:

Click this text for information on pursuing coursework at the honors level.

Potential Careers:

Airplane Mechanics

Airline Pilots

Drone Pilots

Aerospace Engineers

Available Certifications:

FAA Part 107 Drone Certification

OnShape (CAD) Certification

OSHA 10 Safety Certification

Student Organizations:

Civil Air Patrol 

 National Technical Honor Society